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5 Commonly Asked Questions About Microsoft’s Cloud

Change is never easy, especially in regard to technology and your EHR.

When Microsoft ends supporting SQL Server 2008 R2 in July, it’s understandable to have questions arise.

Rather than these questions raising alarm, let us help guide this change with confidence. Microsoft provides a solution for your practice through their Azure cloud services. Through this platform, your practice can migrate data and applications to the cloud in a way that’s simple, safe, and secure. Our Focus Solutions team is qualified to assist your practice in making this important transition.

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about Microsoft’s Azure cloud services…

    1. What is the cloud?

The definition of the cloud is seemingly obscure.  Simply put, it’s a term used to describe a global network of servers — each with a unique function. The cloud is not a physical entity, but instead a network of remote servers which are integrated to operate as a single ecosystem. These servers are designed to run applications, and store and manage data for your practice. Essentially, instead of accessing data from a local or personal computer, you are accessing data online from any Internet-capable device. Your data will be secure, yet available anywhere you go… and anytime you need it.

     2. Why should my practice leverage the cloud?

Three critical points of focus for Microsoft Azure are security, compliance, and innovation. Without managed support available to older server versions, it’s imperative for your new plan to ensure critical security updates and government-mandated compliance with standards and industry regulations. Embracing this digital change can also help your practice gain an advantage over competitors.

For more details, see our blog post, Is Microsoft’s Cloud Right for Your EHR?

   3. What makes cloud storage a better option than traditional on-premises servers?

Switching to the cloud will optimize your costs and offer more resource value over traditional, physical servers. For example, the cloud provides flexibility — allowing you to scale data storage capabilities on the fly. This approach proves more budget and resource-friendly than a traditional data center – which would require additional steps including the purchase of new hardware. Not to mention, Microsoft handles upkeep and maintenance!

   4. How does it compare to other providers? 

Used by 95% of Fortune 500 companies, Azure has the most comprehensive set of compliance offerings of any cloud service provider. With over three decades of technology infrastructure experience, organizations across the globe recognize Microsoft as the most trusted cloud service provider. What’s more?  Your practice can yield more value from any of your existing Microsoft licensing and investments by harnessing the cloud via Azure as the backbone of your infrastructure.

  5. Where do I start?

With SQL Server 2008 R2 support ending in July, you’re not alone in your quest to find a new home for your data! Knowing where to start is often the biggest obstacle.

Rest assured, our team at Focus Solutions can help. Our unique blend of technology expertise and healthcare knowledge positions us well to serve your practice – from guidance with migration strategy through stress-free implementation.

Lean on us.  We’d be honored to help you assess your current environment and select the best migration strategy for your practice.

Ready to embrace the cloud for your practice and your EHR?

Not sure yet?

Either way, contact us.  Our Focus Solution team is committed to helping practices just like yours make informed decisions… and prepare for the future.

Always here to help!

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