Your Healthcare Technology Partner

Frequently Asked Questions About Focus Solutions and the Focus Platform

Who founded Focus Solutions and what was the initial vision?

Focus Solutions was founded by Bruce Schaumberg in 2010, with the vision to empower independent physician groups through technology-enabled services.


What core values underpin Focus Solutions’ approach to business?

Focus Solutions’ core values are rooted in true collaboration, real discussions, partnership, and finding solutions that benefit all involved parties.


What impact has Focus Solutions made in the healthcare sector?

Focus Solutions has been in business for 14 years, served over 1,000 clients, and boasts 497 years of combined healthcare experience and 669 years of technical experience, enabling clients to provide exceptional healthcare.


How does Focus Solutions define the importance of relationships?

Focus Solutions values relationships based on integrity, communication, transparency, unity, and community, striving to maintain honest communication and integrity.


What drives Focus Solutions in their pursuit of excellence in healthcare technology?

Focus Solutions is driven by a nationwide team that takes initiative to move projects forward intentionally, motivated by the goal of enabling better healthcare for communities.


What is the main challenge in healthcare technology that Focus Solutions addresses?

Focus Solutions aims to address the fragmentation in healthcare technology where electronic health record (EHR) systems and diverse point solutions do not communicate seamlessly with each other, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and disconnects in healthcare service delivery.


How does Focus Solutions’ platform approach improve the integration of healthcare technology systems?

The platform approach integrates existing EHRs and point solutions into a cohesive system using core modules such as Systems, Data, Connect, Insights, and Workflow. These modules work together to enhance communication and data exchange across the organization.


What are the key functionalities of the platform’s Systems module?

The Systems module maximizes performance and security of the technology infrastructure, adapts to changing requirements, and supports new technology integrations and growth.


How does the Data module enhance data management in healthcare organizations?

The Data module collects, unifies, and integrates disparate data from diverse sources into a centralized system, enabling streamlined access and consistent use of information across the organization.


What is the role of the Connect module in Focus Solutions’ platform?

The Connect module combines and coordinates various internal and external data sources, applications, and systems, ensuring seamless information flow, improving operational efficiencies, and enhancing patient care.


How do the Insights and Workflow modules streamline operations in healthcare organizations?

The Insights module transforms data into actionable intelligence, helping unlock value faster and at less expense by leveraging information from multiple sources. The Workflow module automates routine tasks and improves interoperability, boosting efficiency and productivity.


How does Focus Solutions ensure data security and compliance?

Focus Solutions’ platform is High Trust Certified, ensuring that all data interactions comply with rigorous security standards, providing peace of mind to healthcare providers and patients.


What benefits do healthcare organizations gain from using the Focus Solutions platform?

By using the Focus Solutions platform, healthcare organizations can significantly enhance operational efficiency, improve patient outcomes, reduce system inefficiencies, and create a secure, streamlined, and insight-driven ecosystem that meets modern healthcare demands.