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Cool + Cloud Services. Seriously!

It’s been a while since my last post – it’s good to be back at it!

Change is definitely in the air. Looking out my window, the signs of nature hinting at a cool autumn are definitely present – busy squirrels and leaves beginning to adopt new colors. Shifting my gaze to the Slack window on my desktop, our team is equally hinting at signs of cool things to come.

I wanted to take just a few minutes to provide you with a heads-up on an exciting development with Focus Solutions.

Focus Solutions is now in the hosting business!  We’re now able to help you host and manage your EHR system in Microsoft Azure environments.

Super cool right?

OK, OK…  I understand the muted excitement.  Please let me explain more.

I have come to the conclusion that The Cloud is a nebulous place.  It’s hard to properly define it.  It’s even harder to develop a one-size-fits-all all shrink-wrapped solution that works for everyone.

At the same time, I believe the benefits of leveraging The Cloud are tremendous.  The key is to offer an approach that avoids the sacrifices and long-term contractual commitments that have traditionally been a part of this type of decision.

Are you getting excited yet?

Well, what if I threw in that we can provide a hosting solution that gets faster and cheaper each year?

Not to sound too much like an infomercial, but I strongly believe we’ve nailed it.  We blend being a Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) with our culture of innovation, to bring something a bit different to the table.  Something really cool, if you will.

If I’ve piqued your interest, please learn more here or give me a shout.

Times of change and times of anticipation!  Like the change to autumn and its cool temps, we hope that you find this change to our service offerings to be equally as cool.

We are always here to help.

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