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Tee-ball Takeaways

There are some things that I’m really not good at.  Baseball is definitely one of them.

So, as my son Nolan begins tee-ball, I’ve been painfully resurrecting memories of my playing days.  In particular, my little league days.  My friend Mark and I used to count successes in terms of making contact while at bat.  Fouling off a pitch was cause for a high-five.   Grounding out was an intense moment of pride.  A bloop single… epic!

Here’s hoping that Nolan has a little more talent than his old man.

The beginning of his tee-ball career has also reminded me of a few important things in life and in business.

Stay Focused

I’ll be the first to admit that I struggle with focus.  I’m enamored by new gadgets and big ideas.  Fortunately, I’ve been able to work on my discipline over the years.  Nolan’s practices and games have reminded me that keeping that eye on the ball is very important to success.

“If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one.”

When he focuses, he hits the ball.  When his eyes drift to the airplane flying over head, he reminds me of the former little leaguer writing this post.

Be Persistent

A swing and a miss.  A swing and a miss.  Again and again and again.

Kids playing tee-ball don’t give up.  Thank God!

They’re not afraid or embarrassed of failure.  They just keeping hacking away.

What a powerful reminder for us adults.

Have Fun

I’m as competitive as they come.  I love to know what the score is and enjoy winning.

Tee-ball is an important reminder that sometimes having fun is more important than keeping score.  Despite the game, it’s always best played when you’re having fun.

Whether on the diamond or in the office, keep things light.  And remember to enjoy a post-game refreshment with teammates from time to time.   As kids will attest, many times the snack is the best part!

These three little reminders from tee-ball have helped keep me grounded in recent days as I work on some awesome heath tech projects and challenging innovations.

Here’s hoping they also make Nolan a better ballplayer than his dad.

Always here to help.

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