Trending Topics in Healthcare Technology

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Trending Topics in Healthcare Technology

Finding Our Way Home: Highlights from the 2024 Corporate Retreat at St. Norbert College

Finding Our Way Home: Highlights from…

This retreat marked a pivotal inflection point for our organization, as it was our first company-wide gathering since the onset of the pandemic. It felt…

Tim Coan Joins Focus Solutions as Head of Strategy

Tim Coan Joins Focus Solutions as…

Focus Solutions is thrilled to announce that Tim Coan has joined our team as Chief Strategy Officer. Tim brings 37 years of experience in healthcare,…

Navigating Project Success: Metrics in Predicting Cost & Schedule

Navigating Project Success: Metrics in Predicting…

In the dynamic field of project management, answering the fundamental questions of “How long will it take?” and “How much will it cost?” stands as…

Microsoft Fabric: What to Know!

Microsoft Fabric: What to Know!

Introduction: Microsoft’s recent introduction of Fabric has sparked considerable interest and curiosity within the technology and data analytics community. At first glance, it may appear to be…

Focus Solutions adds Lauer to their Leadership Team

Focus Solutions adds Lauer to their…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APPLETON, WI, April 24, 2023 – Focus Solutions, a healthcare technology consultancy and managed service provider, is thrilled to announce the newest…

Does ISP Redundancy Matter?

Does ISP Redundancy Matter?

We’ve all experienced it. You’re on a call and your cell phone connection starts to break up.  Your four bars evaporate in an instant and…

System Uptime – Why it’s Important!

System Uptime – Why it’s Important!

Downtime is best for describing your vacation, not your data center! Downtime in the same sentence as the data center is usually not a good mix.   Instead, let’s…

Core Components of Value-Based Care

Core Components of Value-Based Care

The shift from fee-for-service to value-based care is well underway, and like it or not, gaining momentum.  This shift is accompanied by many questions, a…

How to Prepare for Cloud Migration

How to Prepare for Cloud Migration

It’s coming… Windows Server and SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 were widely popular when launched almost ten years ago. With the decade anniversary right…

5 Commonly Asked Questions About Microsoft’s Cloud

5 Commonly Asked Questions About Microsoft’s…

Change is never easy, especially in regard to technology and your EHR. When Microsoft ends supporting SQL Server 2008 R2 in July, it’s understandable to…

Your EHR Not Ready for the Cloud?  3 Strategies to Consider

Your EHR Not Ready for the…

If you’ve been reading our recent series of posts, you’re likely already aware of the many benefits of moving your practice and your EHR to…

Your EHR + Azure = Less Stress + More Time to Innovate

Your EHR + Azure = Less…

Let’s be honest… Implementing technology-related changes to your practice often creates stress — especially when those changes affect the maintenance and management of your valuable…

3 Ways to Optimize Your Practice’s Budget and Infrastructure

3 Ways to Optimize Your Practice’s…

Being partially rooted in technology (and partially in healthcare), our team often thinks in threes just like Steve Jobs.  If you read our last couple of installments,…

How Transitioning To The Cloud Safeguards Your Healthcare Data

How Transitioning To The Cloud Safeguards…

Surprise, surprise!  While planning for Microsoft’s end of support for SQL Server 2008 R2, a primary determining factor for your practice should be security. Bear in…

Is Microsoft’s Cloud Right for Your EHR?

Is Microsoft’s Cloud Right for Your…

It’s never a big surprise when technology changes, but sometimes it takes us a minute to react. Okay, maybe more like a few months. Well,…

How Microsoft’s Latest Update Impacts Your EHR In Practice

How Microsoft’s Latest Update Impacts Your…

Changes are coming to the healthcare technology landscape and options exist beyond your current ecosystem. Our objective is to keep you aware and help you…

5 Reasons IaaS is Right for Your Healthcare Practice

5 Reasons IaaS is Right for…

SaaS PaaS IaaS That’s whole lot of a’s and S’s in your alphabet soup.  It can also represent a whole lot of confusion. Each of…

Best Equation for Supporting Your Healthcare Practice

Best Equation for Supporting Your Healthcare…

Outcome = Event + Response I’m guessing the outcome you are seeking for your systems environment is one of stability. Did I get that right?…

Break the mold, not your budget!

Break the mold, not your budget!

EHR + Microsoft Azure We’re breaking the traditional mold by helping our clients find a new way to host their EHR system.  A new way…

What is Geo Replication – Why Is it Important – How do I get It

What is Geo Replication – Why…

Geo Replication – 3 Things Your Practice Must Know Hurricanes & floods.  Volcanic eruptions & quakes.  Terrorism & cyber attacks. Think for a minute.  Think…

2 Essential Elements of PHI Data Security

2 Essential Elements of PHI Data…

Your patients’ data is gold.  Not only to your practice but also to those with less desirable intent. More than ever, data security and maintaining…

Cool + Cloud Services. Seriously!

Cool + Cloud Services. Seriously!

It’s been a while since my last post – it’s good to be back at it! Change is definitely in the air. Looking out my…

EHR – Past, Present, Future

EHR – Past, Present, Future

A couple weeks ago I came across the following chart illustrating the growth in EHR adoption since 2011. It was in a LinkedIn post from…

Tee-ball Takeaways

Tee-ball Takeaways

There are some things that I’m really not good at.  Baseball is definitely one of them. So, as my son Nolan begins tee-ball, I’ve been…

Health Tech: Surprising Arrows in Your…

I’m an Apple guy with Microsoft tendencies. iPhone. Check. AirPods. Right on. MacBook Pro. Bullseye! You see, I love my Apple devices, but remain a huge and growing…

It’s Moving Day: Homes & EHRs

It’s Moving Day: Homes & EHRs

Have you ever moved? To a new place of residence, that is. The vast majority of us can respond with a resounding… Yes! When I…

EHR – Often Neither the Problem nor the Answer

EHR – Often Neither the Problem…

On an increasingly frequent basis, I’m finding myself in discussions with healthcare leaders bashing the performance of their Electronic Health Records (EHR) system vendors. My…

Granting a Data Wish

Granting a Data Wish

The Wish Recently a client came to me with the following wish, “I really wish I knew if our marketing, sales, and overall outreach efforts were…

Trending Topics in Healthcare Technology